Thursday, May 29, 2014

Spotify Issues Fixed

Check out my article on

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Today I finally after years of searching (sort of) found out how to remove the .html or .php at the end of a url. Its not very important but its easier to remember urls and it makes you site look more professional.


The solution is to use you .htaccess file so if you are using a free host leave now. 

Here is the htaccess code.

Make a new text document and save it as ".htaccess". make sure nothing is in front of the ".".

paste the following code in the document. 

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.html -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.html

And you should be good to go.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

CSS And Html

DisqusImage by sermoa via Flickr
I have successfully learned basic CSS and HTML. This is a big step for me from someone who had to use programs to build websites. You may notice this blog has been funked up! it has with the new blogger template designer. But i also added heaps of code to it and now all the element look cool!

I also added a better commenting system similar to the one on

Thanks for visiting!

Tim Armstrong

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Production, The Social Network and my Stalker

Today In Production News!
Sorry for not posting in a while. I've been busy. But you still love me right! YEA I thought so too.
I've been busy... 


Not to brag...........Yea I'm bragging! 

I had to do a story board of where the light was going to be in what scenes!

And I have to find some small sound effects. And because I make small movies I know a lot of good undiscovered websites!  Sound effects websites!

The Social Network
Did you know that they are making a movie on Facebook!.......I did!
I sounds quite good. 
I might go see it when I comes out.

here is the link for the trailer 

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Do you think it is weird that I like old Music and New Music

I like up coming artists like Bruno Mars but I also love The Monkees and The Beatles.

Please Drop A Comment

Went To The Pool Today (a.k.a I played football)

I order to win our league for the second time round we had to beat the team that came second in round one by three goals. They are a very good team and we only bet them one to nil last time.

We bet them one nil this time again.

It was soo sad =[

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fixture against St Marks

Today we had a fixture against St Marks. Everyone played one sport and I played soccer. The other sports were.

  • Hockey
  • Rugby
  • Netball
  • The Nobodies (People who can't play sport)
Wadestown is a bunch of hills and Wadestown school is on the side of a hill. This makes it impossible to have a lot of flat ground. We do have a small area of grass but it is not enough space for two schools. But just a short walk away is a park. Its not a soccer field of rugby pitch is just a bit of grass. Untouched. So we played there. I still wasn't big enough for eleven a side soccer so the field was very packed. STUPID HILLS

We won our game 5 - 2
However the rugby team lost 55 - 20
The hockey team got thrashed 15 - 0  (St Mark had rep players)
And 1 of the 2 netball teams won

Mr Julian was on the side offering us "helpful" advice. The "advice" he gives is different to what I get at the Saturday games from my hardcore coach Bill! Go Bill Whooo Hoooo

So.... Yea

Monday, August 16, 2010

Art Splash And Dance Splash And Mr Julian

Mr Julian
Mr Julian (the teacher for room 5 who teaches year 7 & 8) has a lot of awesome tactics!

When he wants the room tidy. He gets everyone to tidy up and picks out two people who are talking or are not tidying up and then they tidy the rest of the room while everyone else leaves. Its a very evil tactic.

Art Splash
Mr Julian also puts the strong singers around people who are usually quiet. So that they sing louder.
Art splash is a concert where a lot of the schools in wellington come together and sing in a choir. It is very annoying to learn the songs and the conductors make you stand up for ages!

The concert is on Tuesday and it goes for an hour and a half!
Wish Me Luck!

Dance Splash
Also annoying is my sisters dance splash!
Again a lot of schools come together and do some "dancing".
I saw there performance and I didn't think it had much dancing!
It was more "getting into position" and then leaving!

Her performance is tonight!

And It goes to ten pm!

The one night I try to get to bed early!

Tim Armstrong
Take A Chill Pill, Jill

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Still not 100%

The Flu
One week after thinking that I had recovered from my atrocious flu I still don't feel 100. I had "Swine Flu" the nurse said. And I lived. 

Swine flu had been sweeping though schools in New Zealand but I didn't think it had go to Wadestown School yet, but there you go!

I am good enough to go back to school.

This is one of the worst football seasons in Wellington history (according to me). 

I have missed out on about 2/3 of football practices this year. And about 1/3 of the games have been  canceled because the grounds are to wet.  

I have scored about eight goal this season (not to brag =] ) and I have had about seven assists.

Music Tab
There is now a music section on this blog to music that I think is pretty good.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Travie McCoy: Billionaire ft. Bruno Mars [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

--Tim ArmstrongBlog - http://TimmyArmstrong.blogspot.comGoogle Profile -